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Economic and Community Development Group Executive Greg Laverty said Have Your Say Sunshine Coast was a comprehensive online platform that facilitated Council’s online engagement opportunities.

“There will be a diverse range of projects open for community input and feedback this year, including regional projects such as the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy Refresh and Proposed Dark Sky Reserve,” Mr Laverty said.

“There will also be a variety of locality-based projects ranging from design and placemaking, to natural areas planning and transport infrastructure upgrade planning.

“Residents are able to register online and update their profile on Have Your Say in order to stay up-to-date and receive important updates on projects.

Register today to be notified of upcoming community engagement projects. Simply Google “Have your say Sunshine Coast”.

“By joining our online community you can help shape these projects, our communities and our region.”

Existing members can log into their account to update personal details and adjust preferences to receive email notifications about what they're interested in. For example, users may select the categories and locations they're interested in and receive an automatic email when a new project that matches their interests is launched.

Members can also choose to 'follow' projects that they're interested in and receive news and event updates to keep them in the loop.

We want to ensure everyone can have their say on issues that matter to them. Have Your Say Sunshine Coast is one of the tools Council uses to give community members a voice. Council’s commitment to engaging with our region’s diverse communities is outlined in our Community Engagement Policy and supporting Excellence in Engagement Framework.

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