It’s time to take a stand against violence
Hear Their Voices - Speak Up for Women and Children.
Sunshine Coast Council and Centacare are asking our local community to stand together to mark Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Prevention Month in May with a number of local activities, including a candlelight vigil and march on May 1.
Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Rosanna Natoli said there was no place for violence on our Sunshine Coast.
“Take a stand against violence and show your support this May by standing in solidarity to end all forms of violence,” Mayor Natoli said.
“This year’s theme is Hear Their Voices - Speak Up for Women and Children.
“I’m calling on our community to attend the candlelight vigil on Wednesday, May 1, to stand up and support victims of domestic and family violence.
“The candlelight vigil is a chance to remember those who have lost their lives to domestic and family violence.”
Centacare Maroochydore, which provides domestic and family violence counselling and support services, is led by Area Manager Adam Beck who said the march and vigil acted as a reminder that we all have a role to play in ending violence against women and children.
“Help us to Hear Their Voices by coming along, wearing a ribbon and promoting the safety and wellbeing of women and children,” Mr Beck said.
“This is a human rights issue - the right of victims to live a life free of violence, and coercion and for children to grow up in homes where they feel safe, supported and valued.”
“On average, one woman is killed every nine days by a current or former partner and women are three times more likely to experience violence at the hands of someone they know.”
“Whilst these figures are disturbing, the federal and state governments are committed to ending domestic violence within a generation and by joining us, you can learn more about this issue and help make this goal a reality.”
Mr Beck added that Centacare, which provides domestic and family violence counselling and support services across Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Fraser Coast and the Sunshine Coast, works closely with women and children who are exposed to violence in the home, which in turn can have significant long-term impacts on their development, relationships and academic outcomes.
Sunshine Coast Lightning DFV prevention Ambassador Tara Hinchliffe said violence was never okay and should never be tolerated.
“Our Sunshine Coast Lightning team and I are proud to be taking a stand against domestic and family violence,” Ms Hinchliffe said.
“We stand with the victims and against all forms of abuse. Join us and show your support this May.”
Council representatives will be handing out commemorative purple ribbons for DFV Prevention Month at the Sunshine Coast Lightning vs Melbourne Mavericks game on Saturday, May 4. Make sure to come along early to help weave a star for the One Billion Stars project.
Tickets are available for purchase on Sunshine Coast Lightning’s website.
The candlelight vigil will be held at Cotton Tree Park, The Esplanade, Maroochydore at 5.30pm. Prior to this, the community is invited to join the march to the vigil site. It starts at the corner of Cornmeal Parade and Horton Parade Maroochydore. Please gather from 5pm for a 5.10pm start.
DV Safe Phone will be in attendance at the vigil and residents are encouraged to bring and donate any spare or unused phones they have lying around at home.
DV Safe Phone collects, repurposes and gifts mobile phones to victims of domestic violence. These 'Safe Phones' provide a lifeline to call for help when it is needed most.
Visit Council’s website for more information.
Join Sunshine Coast Libraries from May 2 –14 for 7 One Billion Stars paper star weaving workshops.
One Billion Stars encourages communities around the world to weave stars as symbols of hope, courage and solidarity to end all forms of violence. Register for free on Council’s website.
Resources and Contacts
- In an emergency, call the Ambulance or Police on 000.
- All incidents of violence should be reported to the Police. If there is no immediate emergency, you can report DFV to the police by phoning Policelink on 13 14 44 or make a non-urgent report of DFV by submitting an online form.
- If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit 1800 RESPECT for advice and support. This service is open 24 hours and provides confidential advice via phone or webchat.
- You can also call:
- DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811
- DVConnect Mensline: 1800 600 636
- Visit the Queensland Government website for more information about what you can do about domestic and family violence and to search for support services on the Sunshine Coast or in your local area.
- Centacare provides a range of specialist support services for women, children and families impacted by domestic and family violence. For more information, contact the Maroochydore office on 07 5430 9300.
- Download the Be there App: A domestic violence bystander support app that gives you direct access to tools that empower, educate and support you to help someone who is experiencing domestic or family violence.
For more information about Domestic and Family Violence Prevention on the Sunshine Coast visit, Prevention of domestic and family violence (