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A playful six-metre tall sculpture capturing the joy of childhood is set to become one of the Sunshine Coast’s most notable public artworks when installed in the Sunshine Coast Health Precinct’s Village Park at Oceanside next year.

The artwork, titled iDIDIT!, will be created by veteran Sunshine Coast artist Russell Anderson after the design concept featuring a cartwheeling child was chosen from an Expression of Interest campaign that attracted interest from a variety of artists nationwide.

Stockland has partnered with the Sunshine Coast Council to deliver the bold new landmark in a prominent location on the corner of Lake Kawana Boulevard and Kawana Way within the Sunshine Coast Health Precinct at Birtinya.

Ben Simpson, Regional Manager for the Sunshine Coast at Stockland, said the $220,000 public artwork, funded by Stockland, was expected to be installed by mid-2017.

“This artwork reflects Oceanside’s vision as a place where families are encouraged to get outdoors and active and where health and happiness is recognised as an essential part of our community,” Mr Simpson said.

“It will be a distinctive landmark visible to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians both day and night, and we expect it will become a popular place for residents and visitors to meet, take selfies and spend time relaxing.”

Sunshine Coast Council Arts Portfolio Councillor Rick Baberowski said public art helped to create vibrant and attractive places for our community to enjoy.

“iDIDIT! will be an imaginative and engaging piece and a wonderful addition to the Coast’s public art collection,” Cr Baberowski said.

“To have a local artist leading the project is fantastic and I look forward to seeing it unveiled next year.”

Divisional Councillor Peter Cox thanked Stockland for their investment in this public art piece.

“It’s great that Stockland has incorporated this into the design for Village Park,” Cr Cox said.

“It is a significant investment that will provide a lot of fun and enjoyment for locals and visitors for many years to come.”

The Sunshine Coast Health Precinct at Oceanside is Australia’s largest investment in health infrastructure and one of the nation’s biggest development projects.

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