Mooloolaba foreshore to turn over a new leaf
Experiencing Mooloolaba’s beautiful vistas will get a whole lot easier thanks to a foreshore revitalisation project about to get underway.
Experiencing Mooloolaba’s beautiful vistas will get a whole lot easier thanks to a foreshore revitalisation project about to get underway.
Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said work would start on the $11 million upgrades in October.
“This is going to be absolutely stunning when it’s finished and it’s just stage one of a plan to revitalise the entire foreshore,” he said.
“Part of the funding - $4.5 million – is from the Queensland Government’s $50 million Unite and Recover Community Stimulus Package for South East Queensland councils to stimulate economies and support jobs,” he said.
“The pandemic has wrought havoc on economies across the globe but Queensland is already rolling out a plan for economic recovery, and this package is part of it.
“The Sunshine Coast Regional Council estimates this project alone will create or support almost 600 jobs, which is a great result for this region.”
Sunshine Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said the northern precinct would be transformed into a new regional public parkland that celebrated the Sunshine Coast way of life.
“Northern Parkland Stage 1 is a critical step in providing an outstanding destination for locals and visitors alike and will provide an important stimulus for the tourism and building sectors at this time,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“This project has the potential to stimulate construction jobs and flow on benefits to businesses across the region.
“The revamped northern precinct will ensure Mooloolaba remains competitive as a visitor destination.
“Upgrading the Northern Parkland is expected to result in a long-term uplift in trade for businesses in the area,” he said.
“This first stage of the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation will include a new boardwalk linking Alexandra Headland Bluff and Mooloolaba, parks and entertainment spaces for events, replacement of a section of the seawall, sheltered barbecue area and new community buildings and facilities.”
Council will start construction on the seawall upgrade in October.
The boardwalk construction will be undertaken by Murphy Builders, a locally-owned and operated business, which was awarded the design and construct contract in August 2020.
“The boardwalk works are expected to start in November 2020 and are scheduled to be completed in mid-2021, weather and site conditions permitting.”
Council will seek to minimise construction impacts wherever possible.
Some parking bays in the temporary foreshore car park, opposite 121 The Esplanade, will be removed to provide a safe construction zone. However, most of the temporary car parking will remain available.
When the multi-deck car park currently under construction on First Avenue, Mooloolaba is complete, the temporary car park will be redeveloped into parkland, as was always intended to occur in line with the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Plan.
Mayor Jamieson said that once complete, the new foreshore and coastal boardwalk would help bring more visitors to the region.
“This in turn supports recovery of our retail and hospitality sectors,” he said.
“In particular, it will provide a critical shot in the arm for youth employment by supporting hospitality jobs.”
For more information about the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation visit the project webpage on council’s website
Project benefits:
- More construction jobs
- Boost to hospitality sector resulting in more youth job opportunities
- New community infrastructure assets for long term benefit
- Improved community access to open space.