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It's show time! When an estimated 25,000 show-goers return to the Nambour Showgrounds 11-13 June, they will also find it more accessible.

Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien announced $100,000 of Federal funding last year alongside Sunshine Coast Council contributing $50,000 for the installation of a new passenger lift in the Main Pavilion.

“We can’t have people with disabilities or seniors using wheelers missing out,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Now even more people, including those with mobility issues, will be able to enjoy this wonderful spectacle.”

Divisional Councillor David Law said he was pleased to see access improvements to the Nambour Showground’s Main Pavilion.

“This lift would not have been made possible without the Australian Government’s Regional Agricultural Show Development Grants Program in partnership with Sunshine Coast Council’s Showgrounds Development Levy contributing $50,000,” Cr Law said.

“With the installation of this new lift, the Main Pavilion is now accessible upstairs for people who have mobility issues and cannot use stairs, and for young families with prams.

“The lift improves access for existing key stakeholders such as the Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show Society, Queensland Garden Expo, Collectorama, the annual Swap Meet, the Darts Club  and community members who will benefit.

“It also improves building accessibility when the Nambour Showgrounds is activated as an evacuation centre.”

Last year’s Nambour Show event was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the Federal Government stepped in with funding to help Agricultural Shows and Field Days survive the crisis.

“These Shows are a part of our Australian heritage that must be protected,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Who can ever forget their first trip to the Show? Seeing the animals, the thrill of the rides, and going home clutching a fist-full of showbags!

The Sunshine Coast Agricultural Society received almost $70,000 in Federal funds to help it survive last year’s cancellation and the resulting loss of revenue.

Society President Rowan O’Hara says his organisation is grateful for the Government’s support.

"We can’t wait to see the crowds of the people coming through the gates and the happy smiles on the kids’ faces once again. That’s what Shows are all about ,” Mr O’Hara said.

“This lift has been on our wish-list for more than a decade, so it’s great to see it finally installed.

“It will benefit all members of the community who in the past haven’t been able to reach the top of the stand because there were only stairs.”

For more information about the Nambour Show and for tickets, visit Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show website for details.

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