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Sunshine Coast Council has completed the first stage of upgrades and landscaping works at Power Memorial Park in Mudjimba.

Council invested more than $330,000 in Stage One works, which included renewing the five shelters adjacent to the playground with new roofing, barbecues and seating.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 8 Councillor Taylor Bunnag said the upgrade made an already popular park even more welcoming.

“My family and I often enjoy visiting Power Memorial Park, and I’m pleased we’ve completed the first stage of works in time for the school holiday break,” Cr Bunnag said.

“The artwork in the park looks amazing and I encourage our community to visit the park, have a picnic and enjoy the newly painted table tennis tables.

“We also widened the pathways and planted new shade trees along with the landscaping works.

“This is another great upgrade showcasing how we’re connecting and engaging with our communities to build a better future for everyone.”

Newly painted table tennis table at Power Memorial Park, Mudjimba.

Watch this space

Council will start Stage Two of the park improvements in October, which will include upgrading the playground with new play equipment and playground edging.

Stage Two is expected to be completed in November this year.

For Stage Two improvements, Sunshine Coast Council is proudly partnering with the Australian Government, which contributed $265,000 through its Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

This partnership will enable Queenslanders to participate in sport and recreation activities on the Sunshine Coast.

Federal Member for Fairfax, Ted O’Brien was ecstatic to see the Federal Government’s contribution supporting Council to create great outcomes for locals.

“I am thrilled the Federal grant funding will assist Council to deliver this project to improve the facilities and playground in Power Memorial Park through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Helping locals and visitors alike enjoy one of the world’s best stretches of coastline is particularly special to me as a proud Australian and I look forward to getting down their myself for a barbeque with my wife and three little ones.”