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A high-level project plan has been endorsed for a Sunshine Coast City Hall building in the new Maroochydore CBD following a vote by councillors today (October 11).

Mayor Mark Jamieson said the new building, which will provide a civic and administration presence in the new city centre, would reflect council’s vision to be Australia’s most sustainable region: healthy, smart, creative.

“It is council’s intention to establish a benchmark for other development, both locally and regionally,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“The project plan endorsed today starts to bed down the fundamental planning and delivery principles for the new building.

“Our occupation date is planned for 1 July 2022 and with the decision of council today, we now have a timeline of key milestones and objectives in place to meet that target, recognising that there will be other decisions points along the way.”

Council will advertise for a project director and make an appointment before the end of the year.

A base building brief will be finalised by December and a project team and project site office will be established in early 2019.

A full, competitive tender process will be undertaken for the design and construction of the building with a start date for construction set for December 2019.

Council is committed to maximising the use of local suppliers and contractors for construction.

Council has set some initial parameters for the building:

  • Around 9400m2 gross floor area
  • Nine levels, excluding basement
  • Provision of around 156 car parking spaces
  • 5 Star National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) rating target
  • 5 star green star rating target
  • Regional A grade commercial building
  • Complementary commercial/retail uses.

Council intends to occupy around 75% of the new building floor space and provide working space for up to 600 staff.

The project budget will be shaped by and during the design, approvals and tender processes and will not be known for certain until the tender process is completed.

At that time, council will release details of the cost for the construction of the City Hall.

Council does not ordinarily release project budgets prior to tender processes, as this can inhibit council’s ability to secure the best possible price for the works, which it always seeks to do in the interests of ratepayers.

As part of the development of a detailed project plan, a community engagement plan will be developed for future council consideration. Regular updates will be provided to community.

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