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Point Arkwright’s popular coastal pathway and the surrounding area have received a makeover.

The Sunshine Coast Council upgrade included new concrete pathways and landscaping.

Division 9 Councillor Steve Robinson said council had also carried out maintenance on the observation deck.

“We brought forward routine maintenance on the deck, including re-oiling and a new top rail, so the entire area looks fresh and tidy,” Cr Robinson said.

“Feedback from the community on this important project has been very positive and I believe this coastal pathway will prove to be a popular destination for residents and visitors alike.

“This upgrade is just one of many parks and recreation projects in council’s $183 million Capital Works Program.”

The new coloured concrete pathway extends from the Point Arkwright Foreshore Park, along the headland, through to Jubilee Esplanade. It also extends out to the park shelter and observation deck.

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