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New shade sails installed at Palmwoods Skate Park.

Sunshine Coast skaters, riders, scooters and bladers are keeping cool as the temperatures rise, with shade sails installed at a local skate park.

There’s been no shortage of kick-flips, airs, rail hugging and grinds since nine large sails were installed at a popular skate park at the foothills of the Blackall Range in Palmwoods.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston said providing adequate shade was vital for existing and new infrastructure upgrades.

“It’s fantastic to see the young talent trying out new tricks and turns on the concrete playscape while parents and spectators will soon enjoy the action from a shaded seating area,” Cr Johnston said.

“The works also included upgrading the car park from gravel to bitumen and installing a drinking fountain.

“Skate parks are an integral part of keeping our community active and connected and I hope new cooler shade will create a social hub for our youth and broader community to enjoy.

“This project was made possible with funding support split 50:50 between Council and Heritage Palmwoods Community Branch.”

Councillor Winston Johnston alongside Heritage Palmwoods Community Branch members.

Heritage Palmwoods Community Branch is a joint venture between Heritage and the local community, represented by Palmwoods Community Branch Ltd (PCB Ltd). As a community branch, PCB Ltd’s share of profits is distributed back into the area via community grants, sponsorships and more.

PCB Ltd Director Audrey Lyttle said the community branch was delighted to contribute $99,000 towards this vital shade structure at Palmwoods Skate Park. This community project was initiated by the PCB Board and is its third with Sunshine Coast Council.

“It’s very rewarding to see this project come to fruition for the benefit for the Palmwoods community,” Mrs Lyttle said.  

“The more people choose to bank at Heritage Palmwoods, the more we can give back to support community organisations and projects like this.”

Council continues to fund and maintain 28 skate parks across our region, 10 of those offering shade including:

  • Beerwah Sports ground
  • Muller Park Bli Bli
  • Caloundra
  • Coolum (Tickle Park)
  • Eumundi
  • Kawana
  • Kenilworth
  • Kuluin
  • Palmwoods (new)
  • Yandina
Shade sails installed at Palmwoods Skate Park.

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