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Jinki Cambronero

Yes Yes Yes Production Still

Consent is now on the Australian school curriculum for Years Prep to 10 and that means you might have found yourself answering curly questions at the dinner table.

However, while you know you need to have those conversations, talking about sex and consent with the young people in your life can be difficult, embarrassing or just plain awkward.

Add to that the disparity between sex education across generations and you’re probably wondering if your advice is on the right track.

Help is at hand as Horizon Festival presents multi-award winning, humorous, witty and innovative theatre show, ‘Yes Yes Yes’ by Eleanor Bishop and Karen McCracken.

The work is the creation of the award-winning duo and blends audience interaction with a captivating solo performance featuring in-depth interviews with teenagers from around Aotearoa-New Zealand.

Festival Director Hannah Clissold said Horizon Festival’s programming spanned all arts.

“Our 2023 program really does have something for everyone, from theatre like Yes Yes Yes to comedy, dance, visual arts, music and more,” Ms Clissold said.

“We’re really excited to bring this show to the Coast — it caters for an audience that is sometimes missed, and also demonstrates the ability of the arts to unpack difficult subjects in a relatable way.”

Reviews applaud the show’s ability to tackle difficult conversations between parents and young people.

One student described the show as “one of the most relatable, raw portrayals of how young people navigate consent.”

Theatreview dubbed it “Intelligent, sensitive, honest, empathetic and insightful — all without a trace of preach”, while Pantograph Punch lamented “Oh to have this show when we were 16 – it’s so essential.”

Yes Yes Yes is a one-hour show at The Events Centre, Caloundra, Friday, September 1, at 11am and 6.30pm. The 11am show includes a 15 minute post-show forum.

To book visit https://www.horizonfestival.com.au/event/yes-yes-yes/ Tickets from $15.00