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Buderim Mountain State School children were a step ahead of the rest this morning (May 16) in the lead-up to National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday (May 18).

To showcase the Walking School Bus program run by Buderim Lions volunteers, the kids hit the streets with Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson, council’s TravelSmart team, school parents, teachers and local police.

Mayor Jamieson encouraged families across the Sunshine Coast to try out walking to school to help them lead a healthy lifestyle while reducing the number of vehicles on our streets and congestion around our schools.

“This Friday’s National Walk Safely to School Day is a great opportunity for more kids to experience the benefits of walking to and from our schools,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“It’s all part of living in a healthy, smart, creative region where active transport such as walking becomes more common than it is today.

“Behaviour change doesn’t happen overnight and we all have a role to play.

“Buderim Lions Club has certainly been doing its part by creating the Walking School Bus program to get kids moving, interacting with one another and learning how to keep safe in and around our busy school precincts and all while having lots of fun.

‘Our TravelSmart team works with local schools each year to increase participation in all varieties of active school travel, building student and parental confidence and road safety awareness.”

Buderim Lions president Brian McBride said the Walking School Bus Program was all about reducing traffic, helping parents and socialising kids.

“The program has grown from a single walk for the Buderim Mountain State School to four schools in 2018,” Mr McBride said.

“To get kids moving, and encouraging them to mingle with other students of all ages and our volunteers, is something pretty special for us old guys.

“We can’t always move mountains, but we sure did get the kids on Buderim Mountain moving.”

Buderim Mountain State School principal Neil Jenkins loves this part of the job.

“Wednesdays are always special as it is our day to embrace active school transport and it really has become ‘the norm’ for us,” Mr Jenkins said.

“We have students who joined their first Walk to School Wednesday in Prep and continue year after year.

“We’ve also found it a great way for new students to be introduced into the school community. Walking to school helps then quickly become comfortable with each other as they wander up the path together.

“The weather may reduce the numbers, but never has there been a Wednesday without a walker and I’m so proud of our students and the fantastic men of the Buderim Lions for making this happen.”

Mayor Jamieson said council was proud to provide funds to help support the continuation of this important program.

“Over the past couple of years we’ve provided over $7500 for the provision of safety vests, appropriate insurances, registration forms, certificates and participation incentives,” he said.

Heritage Bank has been a long term supporter behind the Walking School Bus as a principal sponsor.

More than 1500 students from 51 schools across the region participated in National Walk Safely to School Day last year.

Make sure your kids are registered* for Friday’s event for their chance to win great prizes like junior fitness watches, scooters or helmets.

This year council has added a prize for the school with the most participation to encourage a little healthy, and friendly, competition.

The winning school will be rewarded with a performance of the award-winning Go Seek 'Super Strong Bones' Show at their school.

\* Registration is open to students with the Sunshine Coast Council local government area from council's website. One registration per child. Register now.

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