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A driver was forced to brake as the deer crossed the Sunshine Motorway off-ramp at Mooloolaba.

Drivers are urged to be vigilant on the Sunshine Motorway after a feral deer crossed the interchange at Mooloolaba, as caught on dashcam.

Footage shows the driver braking as the deer crossed the southbound off-ramp at the Mooloolaba interchange on Tuesday (July 23) about 4am.

The animal then moved towards the double-lane motorway.

Sunshine Coast Council officers are investigating where the deer came from and where it went.

Council has notified the Queensland Government’s Transport and Main Roads department.

Council has not received previous reports of deer in the Mooloolaba area.

Reports of deer east of the Bruce Highway are rare, with previous sightings at Yandina and west of Coolum.

Deer are an invasive animal in Australia, with red deer and rusa deer species most common in our region.

They pose a danger on our roads, impact agriculture, damage habitat and can spread disease.

Council urges motorists to use caution and report any deer sightings in the area on 07 5475 7272.