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With everything from Finding Dory scavenger hunts to Pyjama Storytime, there is something to entertain children of all ages during the winter school break at Sunshine Coast Council’s library branches.

Community Portfolio Councillor Jenny McKay said council’s libraries had been busy creating another fun-filled school holiday program to stimulate children’s creative minds.

“There is Minecraft animation where children will be tasked to create their own stop-go animation movie and LEGO builds where they can practice their master builder skills,” Cr McKay said.

“Children can learn how to write their own creepy, spine-tingling story at the writer’s workshop and get tips and tricks from local author Aleesah Darlison.

“We also have performances by Red Rocket 3, a crazy high-energy live band for kids which will be performing at a number of libraries for children big and small to join in.

“Or if coding is your thing, there will be three easy ‘how to’ sessions for children aged seven or over. Children can take their pick from learning how to master Ozobots or learning to create their own online games using Scratch or Kodu programs.

“Bookings open June 20 at 9am and I encourage families to book early to avoid disappointment.”

For bookings and to view the full range of holiday activities, head to council’s library website www.library.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or call your local library on 5475 8989.

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