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Eight Sunshine Coast locals have come together to inspire and create a diverse, honest and authentic group to achieve community action.

Young Leaders Academy member Kyla Saltner-Johnston said the academy strived to make a real difference in our community, develop essential leadership skills and gain an understanding of Council.

“Although we are in the early development stages, we have a very diverse and passionate group that really wants to drive sustainable and positive change in our community and be positive role models for our peers,” Ms Saltner-Johnston said.

“We want to thank Sunshine Coast Council for giving us this opportunity. Watch this space.”

The group will be facilitated by Council’s Community Development Officer Daniel Gettis along with a highly sought-after thought-leader in community and social change work, Peter Westoby, as well as an emerging Kabi Kabi leader, consultant and Traditional Owner Tyrone Bean. 

About the Young Leaders Academy:

Expressions of interest for the Young Leaders Academy were open in October last year and following an extensive interview process, Council offered places to eight successful applicants, aged from 16 to 25 years.

The Young Leaders Academy is a year-long program with the aim to increase and strengthen civic leadership, participatory and community action.

Through a comprehensive program, young people will develop essential leadership skills and gain a deep understanding of participatory and community leadership practices, enabling them to drive sustainable and positive change in their communities.

Purposes of the Young Leaders Academy include:

  • nurturing a generation of leaders to actively contribute to the betterment of their communities
  • gaining a deeper understanding of community and participatory leaderships practices
  • understanding and navigating Council operations.