Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Levies and Charges

Levies provide vital funds for projects that protect and enhance the Sunshine Coast region

Levies and Charges

Rates contain levies set by council and/or the state government. They are:

  • Environment Levy
  • Transport Levy
  • Arts and Heritage Levy
  • State Emergency Management Levy
  • Rural Fire Charge.

The environment, transport, and arts & heritage levies provide vital funds for projects that protect and enhance the Sunshine Coast region. Details of other levies are contained in council's 2024-2025 Revenue Statement (HTML/PDF, 6MB).

Environment Levy

The annual Environment Levy (HTML) in accordance with council's Environment Levy Policy, will:

  • support the implementation of projects in the Environment and Liveability Strategy (HTML)
  • protect and enhances our natural environment
  • support purchase and management of conservation lands, catchment and coastal rehabilitation projects.

The 2024-25 levy remains the same as last year, at $82 per rateable land.

Transport Levy

The annual Transport Levy (HTML) helps council plan for future transport needs. In accordance with Council's Transport Levy Policy, the levy funds projects that play a key role in:

  • improving public transport
  • improving road and rail infrastructure.

The 2024-25 levy remains the same as last year, at $47 per rateable land.

Arts and Heritage Levy

The Arts and Heritage Levy (HTML) funds arts and cultural heritage projects, in line with the goals and strategies endorsed within the Sunshine Coast Heritage Plan 2021-2031, the Sunshine Coast Arts Plan 2018-2038, in accordance with Council's Arts and Heritage Levy Policy.

The 2024-25 levy is $20 per rateable land.

State Emergency Management Levy

Council is required to collect this levy in accordance with the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 (HTML).

The levy set this financial year is in accordance with the Fire and Emergency Services Regulation 2011 - effective 1 July 2023 (HTML/PDF, 640KB). The revenue is sent to the state government. It provides for the prevention of, and responses to, fires and other emergency incidents.

Rural Fire Charge

The Rural Fire Charge assists Rural Fire Boards. The Overall Plan is Appendix 3 in the 2024-2025 Revenue Statement (HTML/PDF, 6MB). All funds raised from this special charge are forward to the Rural Fire Brigade Group. Council charges those considered to benefit, or have special access to, the service, facility or activity supplied.


For more details or assistance contact council.