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Environment and Liveability Strategy

Find out more about Council’s long-term strategic directions for environment and liveability on the Sunshine Coast.

The strategy provides an integrated framework and sets strategic directions to guide the actions of council and its partners to ensure a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast to 2041.


In this rapidly changing world there will be many challenges and opportunities for our much loved Sunshine Coast way of life – increasing population, changing climate, economic growth and emerging technologies.

By identifying the key challenges and harnessing the opportunities that will present over the next 25 years, the strategy sets a course for proactive action through the setting of policy positions, targets and identification of transformational actions that aim to:

  • maintain and nurture our natural environment
  • respond to the challenge of population growth
  • build resilience against the potential impacts of climate change
  • create liveable spaces and places to live, work and play
  • drive renewable energy, efficiency and technical know-how
  • live up to the expectations of future generations.

The strategy consists of three parts:

  • Part A (PDF, 1930KB): strategic directions (vision, guiding principles, policy positions)
  • Part B (PDF, 998.4KB): five-year implementation plan (transformational actions)
  • Part C (PDF, 10593KB): network plan (technical detail and desired standards of service).

You can read the strategy in an interactive format and view updates on how council is delivering on the strategy's goals in your area by searching via postcode.

More information

For more information about the environment and liveability strategy, please contact council.