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Experience Sunshine Coast

The Sunshine Coast offers a range of facilities and natural wonders for both all to enjoy, from beautiful beaches and hinterland hideaways to state-of-the-art sporting facilities and entertainment venues. The Sunshine Coast hosts a variety of major and regional events; there is something to keep everyone entertained throughout the year.

This week’s highlights

An image about Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032

experience sunshine coast 

Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032

Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032

The Sunshine Coast is proud to be a co-host city for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032. We will be home to 4 key venues and nine proposed Olympic and Paralympic events.

An image about Enjoy arts and culture

experience sunshine coast 

Enjoy arts and culture

Enjoy arts and culture

Explore Creative and cultural initiatives, partnerships, venues and opportunities, Public Art, Art Collection, funding and more.

An image about Popular locations for weddings and events

experience sunshine coast 

Popular locations for weddings and events

The Sunshine Coast region has many attractive parks and beaches where you can hold a wedding or formal ceremony.

An image about Go for a bike ride

experience sunshine coast 

Go for a bike ride

Go for a bike ride

Find information about cycling safety, events and workshops.

An image about Camping and holiday parks

living and community 

Camping and holiday parks

Camping and holiday parks

Find out where to camp on the Coast and find details on Council's caravan parks and camping grounds.

Explore our pages


  • Coast to hinterland aerial photo
    Vision and reporting

    Vision and reporting

    Council’s strategic vision and ways to achieve this including council’s priorities for this financial year.

  • A community along a beach line with mountains in the background.
    Beaches and parks

    Beaches and parks

    Find information about the many stunning beaches, parks and botanic gardens across the Sunshine Coast.

  • An image about Arts and Culture
    Arts and Culture

    Arts and Culture

    Explore information about our arts initiatives, festivals and venues, and the work we do to support artists to live and work on the Sunshine Coast.

  • An image about Sports and leisure
    Sports and leisure

    Sports and leisure

    The Sunshine Coast offers a wide range of sports and leisure activities and venues.

  • An image about Pathways, tracks and trails
    Pathways, tracks and trails

    Pathways, tracks and trails

    From the coastal pathway to horse riding, paddling and walking tracks, the Sunshine Coast has it all.

  • An image about Maps and statistics
    Maps and statistics

    Maps and statistics

    Statistics, interactive maps, fact sheets, web mapping (digital geographic data in the form of maps and information).

  • An image about Airports


    Council is responsible for the management of the Sunshine Coast Airport and the Caloundra Airport.

  • An image about Tourism


    The Sunshine Coast is one of Australia's prime tourist destinations, offering a laid-back lifestyle centred around pristine beaches, subtropical forests and sunshine.

  • An image about Heritage


    Discover hidden treasures and little-known facts about the region's history on the heritage website.