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The Caloundra South PDA is approximately 2,360 hectares of greenfield land located to the south of the established Caloundra urban area and is intended to be developed over a 30 to 40 year period accommodating up to 50,000 residents in 20,000 dwellings.

View the Caloundra South precinct plan (PDF, 171KB).  View the Economic Development QLD website.

You can find out more about the Caloundra South PDA in this factsheet (PDF, 1.2MB).  

Locality boundaries

Locality boundaries

On 14 June 2019, the former Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy (now Department of Resources) decided to alter the boundaries of the localities of Bells Creek and Meridan Plains and create a number of new localities within and adjacent to the Caloundra South PDA. 

The new localities are:

  • Nirimba
  • Gagalba
  • Banya
  • Corbould Park.

Locality boundary map (PDF, 1.2MB).

Queensland government gazette (PDF, 265.4KB).

Bells Creek arterial (BCA)

Bells Creek arterial (BCA)

Bells Creek arterial is a state controlled road and its delivery is subject to a separate Infrastructure Agreement with the state government (Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR). Council is not a party to this infrastructure agreement and the timing obligations for delivery of this key arterial road have been set by DTMR.

The first two stages of the Bells Creek arterial are now complete, providing a connection from Caloundra Road to Baringa and Nirimba. Bells Creek arterial will ultimately provide a connection to the Bruce Highway at Roys Road.

View the Bells Creek arterial illustrative master plan (PDF, 523.3KB). Further details can be accessed from Stocklands website – news and events.



On 22 October 2010, the State Government declared Caloundra South an urban development area (UDA) under the Urban Land Development Authority Act 2007. This declaration gave full planning responsibility for the entire site to the Urban Land Development Authority.

On 1 February 2013, The Urban Land Development Authority transitioned to Economic Development Queensland and the Caloundra South UDA then became a declared priority development area (PDA) under the Economic Development Act 2012.

Planning instruments

Planning instruments

There are a number of planning instruments approved by the State Government that facilitate the planning, carrying out, coordinating and controlling the development of land in the PDA. These include:

  1. On 8 October 2011, the Caloundra South UDA development scheme (PDF, 2.2MB) was approved by the state government
  2. On 15 June 2012, the Caloundra South master plan was approved by the state government (search 'Decided Applications' and Application No. DEV2011/200)
  3. On 6 June 2013, the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities issued approval for the Caloundra South master planned community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (search reference number 2011/5987).

Infrastructure agreement

Infrastructure agreement

Council negotiated a tripartite infrastructure agreement for the Caloundra South PDA with Stockland and Minister for Economic Development Queensland for over 4 years. On 2 November 2015, the Caloundra South PDA infrastructure agreement (local government infrastructure) commenced and formally took effect.

The signing of the tripartite infrastructure agreement ensures all the necessary local government infrastructure networks required to service the Caloundra South PDA will be provided at no extra cost to council, beyond that which would normally be the responsibility of council and funded by rates, and delivered in a coordinated manner.  The infrastructure networks that are secured by this agreement, include:

  • open space infrastructure
  • community facilities infrastructure
  • conservation infrastructure
  • stormwater infrastructure
  • local transport infrastructure.

Review the Caloundra South PDA infrastructure agreement (local government infrastructure) (PDF, 11.8MB) and subsequent deeds of variation:

Development, building and plumbing applications

Development, building and plumbing applications

Development applications

Economic Development Queensland is the authority responsible for assessing all development applications located within the Caloundra South PDA. All development applications are published on the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning website

Building applications

To apply for a building approval, building certifier must be contacted and engaged. There are a number of building certifiers on the Sunshine Coast. Applications must be made by a building certifier on your behalf.

Any questions relating to a change or relaxations to provisions contained in an approved plan of development (including building variations/relaxations) located within Caloundra South PDA (Aura) are to be directed to Economic Development Queensland’s development assessment team at pdadevelopmentassessment@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au or (07) 3452 7437.

Plumbing applications

Sunshine Coast Council is responsible for assessing all plumbing applications within Caloundra South PDA. For plumbing enquiries please contact council's development services.

Development offences

Development offences

A complaint about a development offence within the Caloundra South PDA and made under the Economic Development Act is to be made directly to Economic Development Queensland.

Potential breaches of the Economic Development Act include:

  • using premises without approval to do so (unlawful use)
  • carrying out works without the correct approvals
  • not complying with a PDA development approval or a PDA development condition
  • environmental breaches.

Note - EDQ is responsible for matters relating to decisions under the Economic Development Act but does not include matters such as traffic management, parking on the verge, barking dogs, or neighbour disputes.

Planning and development certificates

Planning and development certificates

Pursuant to the Economic Development Act 2012, council is not the nominated assessing authority for land located within a  Priority Development Area (PDA).  In this instance, all development matters are administered by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ). The following Tripartite Infrastructure Agreement applies to this PDA:

  • Caloundra South PDA infrastructure agreement (local government infrastructure).

For details of any approvals issued by this authority, please contact EDQ's development assessment team at the Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation by:

Flood search applications

Flood search applications

Council has received flood lot table information for residential and commercial lots. The standard flood search information is available through MyCouncil or via a flooding search application form.


Economic Development Queensland

Ph: (07) 3452 7880

Development Assessment

Ph: (07) 3452 7437

Email: pdadevelopmentassessment@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au

Web: http://www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/economic-development-qld

Contact council.
