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When it's completed Palmview will support about 16,000 people in 7,000 houses. The project is expected to be complete around 2036.

The Palmview structure plan and supported planning scheme policy (DOCX,5MB) is part of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 and associated development approvals. An infrastructure agreement is in place for development in this area. It covers all necessary infrastructure to support the new Palmview community, including:

  • roads
  • water
  • sewer
  • sports fields
  • parks and
  • ecological areas.

You can find out more about the Palmview community in this fact sheet (DOCX, 1.9MB).

Background to planning scheme amendment process

Background to planning scheme amendment process

Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 (Major Amendment - Palmview Structure Plan, Palmview Structure Plan Planning Scheme Policy and Consequential Amendments). (the amendment)

In 2015, council proposed an amendment to include the Palmview Structure Plan, supporting Planning Scheme Policy and consequential amendments in the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. This process involved public consultation between 14 September 2015 and 26 October 2015. Council received a total of 155 submissions during this public notification period.

Council reviewed every submission and considered issues in detail at the Special Meeting held on the 23 November 2015. The Key Issues Discussion Paper (DOCX, 734KB) summarises the key issues raised during the public notification period. The paper provides responses to those key issues.

Council resolved to finalise the publicly notified version of the amendment. This was subject to modifications resulting from the consideration of submissions.

On the 9 December 2015, council submitted the amendment to the Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning for ministerial review.

On 2 March 2016 the Minister advised Council it could adopt the proposed amendment without conditions.

The documents provided to the Minister include:

  1. Letter to Minister (DOCX, 1MB).
  2. Explanatory Memo (DOCX, 1.9MB). For the Planning Scheme Amendment (Palmview Structure Plan and consequential amendments)
  3. Explanatory Statement (DOCX, 346KB). For the amendments to the Palmview Structure Plan Planning Scheme Policy
  4. Amendment instrument which includes:

The Palmview Structure Plan was adopted by council on 22 March 2016.

Infrastructure agreement

Infrastructure agreement

On 23 April 2015, council finalised the agreement for infrastructure funding. The Palmview structure plan area agreement is with Unitywater and Palmview landowners.

Through this infrastructure agreement, council ensured Palmview landowners will provide all infrastructure necessary to service the development.

The funding arrangements support the community without impacting on existing rate payers. They include:

  • roads
  • water
  • sewer
  • sports fields
  • parks, and
  • ecological areas – without impacting on existing rate payers.

The Palmview Amendment Agreement No 2A (Palmview Structure Plan Infrastructure Agreement 2010) (PDF, 3.7MB) is available. A set of endnotes is included in the back of the document. They outline the amendments made to the Palmview Structure Plan Infrastructure Agreement 2010 by the commencement of amendment agreement No 2A on 30 September 2024.

More information

More information

For more information please contact council's development services.