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A submission or comment is a written statement about a proposal in a development application.

There are two different types of development applications.

code assessable application does not need public notification. You may submit comments on an application at any time. No appeal rights apply and you will not receive a copy of the decision notice.

An impact assessable application has an advertised public notification period. This is when you can make a formal submission. Submissions received during the notification period will receive an acknowledgement letter. If you make a properly made submission, you are able to appeal the council's decision on the application.

Before you make a submission or a comment

To make a submission or a comment you need:

Note: Submissions for an impact assessment development application are not confidential. The State Government Planning Act 2016 requires that council publish all submissions on their website. This includes individual's details. All submissions are published, irrespective of whether they are 'properly made'.

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Click the ‘Details’ button on the application to find out more.

Can’t see the application you wish to make a submission on?

Can’t see the application you wish to make a submission on?

Applications not displayed at one of the links above may not be open for public notification, or may be a code assessable application.

You can confirm the category of assessment for a development application by checking the application details on council's Development.i

This fact sheet (DOCX, 1.4MB) helps to explain the different types of assessment.

Make a formal submission during public notification period

An impact assessable application has an advertised public notification period. This is when you can make a formal submission.

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Submissions received during the notification period will receive an acknowledgement letter. If you make a ‘properly made’ submission, you are able to appeal the council's decision on the application.

More about Impact assessment

More about Impact assessment

An impact assessment development application requires public notification. You can make a submission during the public notification period.

Public notification is made by:

  • giving a notice to the owners of all adjoining land
  • publishing a notice in a local newspaper, and
  • placing a notice on the land.

A submission can only be lodged for an impact assessment application. Council will consider any matters raised in a 'properly made' submission during the assessment process.

A 'properly made' submission must:

  • be made to the assessment manager
  • be in writing
  • state the name and residential or business street address of each person who made the submission (no postal box details will be accepted)
  • state what aspects of the proposed development you support or oppose and why, using facts and circumstances
  • be received by council during the formal public notification period.
    Hard copy submissions must be received by Council during business hours on or before the last day.  Electronic submissions must be received at or before 11.59pm on the last day of the public notification period.
  • be signed by each person who made the submission, unless it is made electronically.

To submit, you can send to council by email or mail.

To help with your submission, you can use the (optional) online form or notice of submission form (DOCX, 864KB).

View submissions and check the status of a development application in Development.i.

Note: Submissions are not confidential. The State Government Planning Act 2016 requires that council publish all submissions on their website. This includes individual's details. All submissions are published, irrespective of whether they are 'properly made'.

Lodging an appeal to a council decision

Anyone who makes a 'properly made' submission on an impact assessment application can appeal against council's decision on the development application.

Council will write to submitters to let you know when the appeal period begins and ends. The submitter can only lodge an appeal within the submitter appeal period.

To lodge an appeal, a notice of appeal form must be completed and lodged with the accompanying fee to the Planning and Environment Court.

Make a comment on any application

code assessable application does not need public notification. You may submit comment on an application at any time. No appeal rights apply and you will not receive a copy of the decision notice.

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More about Code assessment

More about Code assessment

You can comment on a code assessment application. This type of application does not need public notification. There are no legal rights to appeal council's decision.

The matters raised in your comments will be considered during the assessment in accordance with the relevant legislation, including the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.

You can use this online form to make a comment on an application. You can also provide your comment by mail or email.

Note: Comments are not a legal requirement for code assessment applications. You will not receive a formal response to your comments. You can keep track of the status of the application via council's Development.i.

Lodging an appeal to a council decision

Anyone who makes a 'properly made' submission on an impact assessment application can appeal against council's decision on the development application.

Council will write to submitters to let you know when the appeal period begins and ends. The submitter can only lodge an appeal within the submitter appeal period.

To lodge an appeal, a notice of appeal form must be completed and lodged with the accompanying fee to the Planning and Environment Court.

Properly made submission

Properly made submission

A submission can only be lodged for an impact assessment application. Council will consider any matters raised in a 'properly made' submission during the assessment process.

A 'properly made' submission must:

  • be made to the assessment manager
  • be in writing
  • state the name and residential or business street address of each person who made the submission (no postal box details will be accepted)
  • state what aspects of the proposed development you support or oppose and why, using facts and circumstances
  • be received by council during the formal public notification period. Hard copy submissions must be received by Council during business hours on or before the last day.  Electronic submissions must be received at or before 11.59pm on the last day of the public notification period.
  • be signed by each person who made the submission, unless it is made electronically.

State Government assessment SARA

State Government assessment SARA

The State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) carries out the state's assessment functions. SARA may be a referral agency for development applications where the state has a jurisdiction, such as where a development gains access to a state controlled road.

If you have questions or feedback regarding the state's assessment functions you can contact your local SARA regional office.

For more information, refer to the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning website.

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