Infrastructure guidelines and standards
Infrastructure guidelines and standards for development, including AusSpec, standard engineering drawings and landscape infrastructure manual (LIM).
These standards are to provide consistent readable drawings for approval, construction and asset management purposes.
Council has prepared a package of flooding and stormwater management information to support the development industry. It gives guidance on the management of stormwater quality, quantity and drainage.
The purpose of the LIM is to provide guidance during the design, development and delivery of council controlled open space. It promotes quality, compliance and sustainability, which minimises ongoing maintenance and ensures longevity.
This is to aid developers with public utility services in road reserves with standard conditions for approval.
Council has adopted a list of Engineering Standard Drawings for use in the region.
Council has adopted an as constructed data standard that incorporates the asset design as constructed (ADAC) specification.
The signage manual provides information on how to design and specify the complete range of sign types required for effective pedestrian and cyclist wayfinding.
Provides guidance during the design, development and delivery of council controlled digital infrastructure.
Council’s primary guide for planning, designing and constructing public lighting and electrical infrastructure.