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National and state governments have updated flooding and stormwater management guidance.

This includes significant changes to the:

  • State Planning Policy (2017)
  • 2016 revision of Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR)
  • Queensland Urban Drainage Manual Fourth Edition (2017)
  • Finalisation of ARR Book 9 - Runoff in Urban Areas (May 2019).

In response, we have prepared a package of flooding and stormwater management information to support the development industry. This includes a set of guidelines and supporting technical documents. It gives guidance on the management of stormwater quality, quantity and drainage.

The information supports the codes and policies of the Sunshine Coast planning scheme. It will help you with the development application process.

The guidelines are technical in nature and are intended for engineers. They have been developed with feedback from industry. Industry consultation occurred in September and October of 2019.

Documents and tools

Review of simple peak flow estimation methods

The review of simple peak flow estimation methods (PDF, 2.67MB) provides a:

  • regional flood frequency estimation method
  • modified rational method for use on the Sunshine Coast.

It has been the subject of an independent peer review. To review the application of the methods described in this report, use the spreadsheet tool (XLSX, 34.61KB).

Application of design temporal patterns

The application of design temporal patterns (PDF, 2.14MB) considers the new ARR ensemble patterns. It gives a pragmatic interpretation of how you may use these, particularly with hydraulic models.

It has been the subject of an independent peer review. The spreadsheet tool (XLSM, 8.49MB) will assist with the creation of MIDIS temporal patterns from Bureau Design Rainfall information and ensemble temporal patterns.

Application of MIDIS for rainfall on grid modelling

The Application of MIDIS for rainfall on grid modelling (PDF, 12.8MB) addresses concerns of ARR book 9 for rainfall on grid modelling methods.

Rainfall on grid output filtering

The rainfall on grid output filtering fact sheet (PDF, 230.9KB) details the filtering methodology we'll adopt (as the default) for preparing overland flow mapping.

Fact sheet on OSD sizing

The OSD tank orifice plate sizing fact sheet (PDF, 156.02KB) details the need for onsite water detention (OSD). It also provides a deemed to comply solution. The fact sheet on OSD sizing demonstrates how to apply the deemed to comply solution.

Contact us

For more information about this project, please email [email protected].