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If you have an enquiry about any of the fact sheets below, please contact council's development services.


Acid sulfate soil
Advertising devices on council and state controlled roads (PDF, 1MB)
Understanding building works (DOCX, 1.37MB)
Construction site requirements (DOCX, 3.1MB)
What needs building approval
Bushfire management 
Bushfire recovery project 
Home based business information sheet 
Seasonal business on community or private land  


Code and impact assessment (DOCX, 1.4MB)
Developer contributed asset summary form help sheet (DOCX, 436KB)
Development compliance (DOCX, 197KB)
Driveways  (DOCX, 191KB)
Dwelling house information sheet
Dual occupancy information sheet 
Secondary dwelling information sheet           Changes to secondary dwellings
Maximum dwelling heights in flood affected area (DOCX, 1.42MB)
Tiny houses  (DOCX, 1.42MB)


Earthworks (including dams)  (DOCX, 195KB)
Filling in low lying areas  (DOCX, 1.37MB)
Erosion and sediment control including fact sheets for builders and home owners
Flood information relevant to building work 
Flood information relevant to development 
Floodplain management 
Maximum dwelling heights in flood affected area (DOCX, 1.42MB)
Insurance and flooding 
Help with the planning scheme
Infrastructure charges  (DOCX, 2.32MB)
Koala mapping and regulation - QLD State Government


Operational works
Operational works construction process (DOCX, 246KB)
Decision ready operational works (DOCX, 1.4MB)
Developer contributed asset summary form help sheet  (DOCX, 436KB)


Retaining walls
Repairing or replacing existing retaining walls         Word (DOCX, 1.37MB)
Building a new retaining wall  (DOCX, 1.46MB)
Rooming accommodation ((DOCX, 246KB)
Tiny houses  (DOCX, 1.42MB)
Tidal works  (DOCX, 1.46MB)
Vegetation management information 
Vegetation clearing requirements fact sheet  (DOCX,1.9MB)
Guide to completing application for vegetation management  (DOCX, 876KB)
Vegetation to assist land application areas (DOCX, 566KB)
Are you a good bushland neighbour?
Vegetation Biodiversity
Native plants
Risk management when salvaging tree material for advanced terrestrial habitat construction
Constructed Habitat Stacks fact sheet
Coarse Woody Debris salvage program fact sheet
Water quality
Waterway health monitoring 
Urban waterways and nutrient management
Catchments and water quality 
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