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Operating a business on community land requires a permit.

Council follows its community land and complementary commercial activity policy (PDF, 107KB) to access applications.

Community use is the first priority. Council looks at how the business activity could benefit the area and the community.

Community land includes:

  • parks
  • roadways
  • pathways
  • footpaths
  • trails
  • beaches
  • foreshores
  • some waterways.


  • e-bike and e-scooter trial

    Locals and visitors to Mooloolaba and Maroochydore can now get around on e-scooters and e-bikes during Sunshine Coast Council’s trial period. You can find out more on our e-bike and e-scooter hire trial and e-transport trial questions and answers pages.

  • High-use / high-impact permits

    Local businesses can carry out a range of activities on Sunshine Coast public land. The main purpose of public land is for community use and enjoyment. 

    Council awards high-use / high-impact permits for activities on this land that benefit the community. 

    High-use/high-impact permits are for business activities that:

    • have a higher amount of use
    • located in high profile areas
    • may have a more significant impact on the use of community land.

    For example this could include a refreshment van at a fixed location. For more information, visit the high-use/high impact permits page.

  • Low-use / low-impact permits

    Council will consider applications for low-use / low-impact permits for commercial activities where the activities will have a lesser intensity of use, and are not high-use / high-impact. 

    Low-use/low-impact permits are for business activities that:

    • are not rated as high-use/high-impact
    • will have a lower amount of use.

    For example this could include personal training on community land, itinerant vendors or activities managed by not-for-profit organisations. For more information, see the low-use/low-impact permits page.

  • Footpath dining and goods on footpath permits

    Outdoor dining permits are for businesses wanting to conduct outdoor dining outside their food and drink business. Outdoor dining:

    • supports local business
    • enhances the use of footpaths
    • creates vitality and ambience
    • ensures community safety.

    Businesses that want to permit dogs in outdoor dining areas must have approval from council prior to this occurring. Refer to the Dogs in outdoor areas fact sheet (PDF, 622KB) for more information.

    All outdoor dining - footpath trading permit areas must display approved signs indicating if the area is dog prohibited or dog permitted.

    Goods on footpath permits are for businesses wanting to display goods for sale outside their shopfront. 

    For more information, see the footpath dining permits page.

  • Roadside vending, street stalls and seasonal business

    Council regulates roadside vending and street stalls. This ensures the activities are safe for all road users and pedestrians. 

    Operating a seasonal business can be a popular option. There are specific requirements when operating on community or private land. Council's seasonal business on community or private land fact sheet (PDF, 171KB) explains the rules.

  • Advertising signs

    Council manages movable advertising devices on council and state-controlled areas. Council commits to providing a well-managed region that promotes and attracts visitors while ensuring a safe and healthy environment. 

    For more information, see the advertising devices page.

  • Holding an event

    Council regulates events to ensure that they are safe for patrons and to prevent nuisances for the surrounding community. For more information, refer to the hosting community events page.

  • Film production

    Council regulates film production. This ensures the least disruption to local residents and business. Also, that the activity is conducted in a safe manner. Visit the filming on council land page.