Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Low-use / low-impact permits

There are a range of activities that local businesses can undertake on public land in the Sunshine Coast Council region.

There are a range of activities that local businesses can undertake on public land in the Sunshine Coast Council region.

The main purpose of public land is for community use and enjoyment. Council awards low-use / low-impact permits to activities that are of benefit to the community.

Council will consider applications for low-use / low-impact permits for commercial activities where the activities will have a lesser intensity of use, and are not high-use / high-impact, including:

  • fitness classes
  • itinerant vendors
  • activities conducted by not-for-profit organisations.

Council will consider the following for determining if an activity is low use / low impact:

  • More permit applications can easily be accommodated in the area.
  • The activity is irregular, occasional or regular minor use.
  • There is little or no impact on the space or the community use.

Application process

Business operators (including not-for-profit organisations) who are interested in starting a business or activity on council-controlled community land should read through the permit conditions. They should also read and become familiar with the application form:

Application fees

A non-refundable fee applies to Commercial Use of Community Land applications:

Permits are valid to 31 July each year.