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  • Eyebrow beauty treatment.

    Starting a new or taking over an existing personal appearance service? You may need a personal appearance service licence.

  • A person is preparing food. They have an empty mortar and pestle, and bowls of chopped ingredients.

    Starting a new food business or taking over an existing food business? You may need a food licence.

  • Multi level unit accommodation.

    Starting a new caravan park, taking over an existing park or, looking to provide amplified music in the special entertainment precinct? You may need a licence.

  • Group of people gathered in a park near the beach getting ready for a run.

    There are a range of activities that local businesses can undertake on public land in the Sunshine Coast Council region.

  • Mobile food van with people eating and ordering food.

    Local businesses can carry out a range of activities on Sunshine Coast public land. The main purpose of public land is for community use and enjoyment. Council awards high-use / high-impact permits for activities on this land that benefit the community.