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Sunshine Coast Council is preparing a new planning scheme that will replace the current Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. A new planning scheme will set the vision for the Sunshine Coast in 2046 and guide growth and development to help achieve that vision.

Preparing a new planning scheme is a multi-year project with many stages.

As an initial step toward creating a new planning scheme which reflects our community’s vision for the region, Council conducted an extensive preliminary consultation program in 2022. Read the Preliminary consultation - Summary and outcomes brochure for more information, or visit our Have your Say website.

Feedback received during preliminary consultation has helped to inform the preparation of a proposed planning scheme for the Sunshine Coast. The Queensland Government recently informed Council that the state interest review of the proposed planning scheme had been completed, subject to some conditions. View the state interest review outcome and conditions.

Council will carefully review the conditions set out by the Queensland Government and their implications for the proposed planning scheme. Once this is complete, Council will be implementing a robust community consultation program encouraging feedback from all parts of our community.

Click on the tiles below to learn more about the project and how you can Have your Say during future community engagement opportunities.

Sign up for project updates and be notified about the timing of future community engagement activities.
