About the new planning scheme project
Council is preparing a new planning scheme that will replace the current Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.
A new planning scheme will set the vision for the Sunshine Coast in 2046 and guide growth and development to help achieve that vision.
Refer to what is a planning scheme for more information, and how it may affect you.
We know that more people are choosing to move to the Sunshine Coast region. To grow sustainably, we need careful planning. We need to protect the places we love, preserve our natural environment, maintain the lifestyle we enjoy, provide diverse places to work and create great spaces for residents and visitors. We also need to recognise the diversity and uniqueness of our communities that make our region so special.
Preparing a new planning scheme is a multi-year project with many stages.
As an initial step in the process, and prior to drafting the proposed planning scheme, Council undertook preliminary consultation in 2022 on proposed planning directions for the Sunshine Coast region and local areas.
Read the Preliminary consultation - Summary and outcomes brochure for more information, or visit our Have your say website.
Feedback received during preliminary consultation has helped to inform the drafting of the proposed planning scheme.
Another step complete: State interest review
In December 2023, Council submitted a draft version of the proposed planning scheme to the Queensland Government for a state interest review. This is a mandatory step when preparing a new planning scheme. During this step, the Queensland Government reviews the proposed planning scheme to ensure their interests are appropriately reflected before it is released for formal public consultation.
The Queensland Government recently informed Council that the state interest review of the proposed planning scheme had been completed, subject to some conditions. View the state interest review outcome and condition.
This important milestone has confirmed that Council can proceed to formal public consultation on the proposed planning scheme, provided we meet the conditions set by the Queensland Government.
Next steps
Council will carefully review the conditions set out by the Queensland Government and their implications for the proposed planning scheme.
This process takes time to ensure that the conditions are thoroughly addressed, and the required changes are made to the proposed planning scheme. Once this is complete, Council will be implementing a robust public consultation program, encouraging feedback from all parts of our community.
Preparations for the consultation program are underway. The program will be designed to ensure that there is ample time and information to get to know the details of the proposed planning scheme and make a submission.
Visit our Plan-making process page to find out more.
This is an exciting time for our region as we commence the next stage of planning for our future and updating our most significant land use planning document.
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So council is preparing a new planning scheme…

The links below will help you to find out more.
Why Council is preparing a new planning scheme
Why Council is preparing a new planning scheme
Council is preparing a new planning scheme so that the Sunshine Coast can grow in a sustainable way that reflects community values. Planning schemes are reviewed periodically to ensure that the path to future growth and development better aligns with evolving community views, changes in technologies, updates to state, regional and local planning policy, and more.
A review of the current Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 was undertaken in 2020. The planning scheme review examined the operation of the current planning scheme, and whether it accords with current legislation, Council’s adopted vision and strategies, and community expectations. The review found that, while the current planning scheme is generally working well, a new planning scheme can:
- look further into the future and set a vision for 2046 in line with state government planning and population projections (the current planning scheme has a planning horizon of 2031)
- better align with new and updated State and regional planning policy requirements
- better reflect the views of the community as expressed in Council’s policy framework, which has been developed and refined over recent years and includes the corporate plan and regional strategies
- update policy and mapping to better reflect physical and environmental constraints and other key elements such as new infrastructure provision
- proactively represent the interests of traditional custodians in the planning process, primarily through recognising cultural heritage sites, and reflecting the traditional custodian’s values and aspirations for the Sunshine Coast
- optimise the opportunities and meet the challenges for future development and growth on the Sunshine Coast and be easier to use by being in a fully digital format.
Based on the key findings from the review, Council resolved on 28 January 2021 (PDF, 140KB) to prepare a new planning scheme for the Sunshine Coast.
The new planning scheme will build on the strengths of the current planning scheme while also providing new and enhanced direction for future development in the region. In doing so, it will play a crucial role in achieving Council’s vision - Australia’s most sustainable region. Connected. Liveable. Thriving.
How the new planning scheme may affect you
How the new planning scheme may affect you
The new planning scheme will regulate new development (e.g. land use, subdivisions, building work, filling, excavation, vegetation clearing, advertising signs) but will not affect existing lawful development.
The new planning scheme will identify where future growth and development should occur (including new shopping centres, business and industry areas and residential areas) and areas where most forms of development should be avoided (including environmental areas or constrained land).
The new planning scheme could affect what you can and can’t build and develop on your property, what your neighbours can do on their property and what can and can’t be developed in your local neighbourhood or places where you live, work and visit.
A planning scheme also sets out the rules for development such as building heights, boundary setbacks and carparking requirements.
The new planning scheme will set the vision for the Sunshine Coast in 2046 and guide growth and development to help achieve that vision. A planning scheme can help protect the places we love, preserve the lifestyle we enjoy and create a built environment that supports our vision for the region’s future.
This is why it is important for you to have your say as Council embarks on the preparation of a new planning scheme for our region.
Click here for more information on what a planning scheme is.
Existing planning policy framework
Existing planning policy framework
There is already a strong state, regional and local planning policy framework in place that sets out the plan making process and guides the policy direction for our new planning scheme.
State government planning policy framework
The State Government sets the key rules and framework for making a new planning scheme in Queensland. The key planning legislation is the Planning Act 2016 and Planning Regulation 2017.
The legislation is also supported by state planning instruments, including the state planning policy 2017 and the ShapingSEQ - South East Queensland Regional Plan, which set out state and regional planning interests for land use planning and development, and growth management. Council must ensure that the new planning scheme:
- follows the process set out under state planning legislation
- is consistent with state and regional policies.
Further information on the state and regional planning framework is available on the State’s Planning framework fact sheet (PDF, 1114KB).
Sunshine Coast Council planning policy framework
The new Sunshine Coast planning scheme will build on the strengths of the current planning scheme, while also providing new and enhanced direction for future growth and development.
Council’s corporate plan and endorsed regional strategies provide a strong policy framework for the new planning scheme and reflect a triple bottom line approach to addressing environmental, economic and social challenges and needs.
The corporate plan is supported by the following endorsed Council strategies:
Parts of the region the new planning scheme will apply to
Parts of the region the new planning scheme will apply to
Just like our current planning scheme, the new planning scheme will apply to the whole of the Sunshine Coast local government area, except for:
- designated Priority Development Areas (PDA), such as Caloundra South (Aura), Sunshine Coast Airport and Maroochydore City Centre, which are regulated by the State Government via their own separate development schemes
- the undeveloped parts of Kawana Waters, which are subject to a development agreement and Development Control Plan 1 Kawana Waters.
In addition, planning for the Beerwah East Major Development Area is in progress and the planning framework for this area is yet to be determined.
Those parts of the region the new planning scheme will not (or may not) apply to are shown in Areas subject to other planning processes (PDF, 572KB).
How the new planning scheme project relates to the public transport project
How the new planning scheme project relates to the public transport project
The new planning scheme will manage future growth and development across the Sunshine Coast to 2046. A proportion of this growth is anticipated to occur in the coastal corridor from Maroochydore to Caloundra.
Being able to move around the Sunshine Coast easily and conveniently as we grow is an important part of maintaining our way of life and promoting a sustainable future for the generations to come. The Sunshine Coast public transport project is evaluating the options for providing an efficient and easy-to-access public transport system as an attractive alternative to travel by car.
The new planning scheme will seek to integrate planning for the Sunshine Coast public transport project, as well as the broader Sunshine Coast Integrated Transport Strategy and other Council and state government policies and strategies, with land use planning in the Maroochydore to Caloundra coastal corridor and beyond. In particular, the new planning scheme will help shape future land use and development, including through appropriate zoning, careful control of built form and protection of important environmental areas.
In addition to recognising the role of high frequency public transport and other public transport improvements in supporting the growth of the region, the new planning scheme will also be based on other important planning principles such as containing urban sprawl, enhancing access to economic and community infrastructure and increasing the diversity of housing available in the region.
For more information about the New Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme project:
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Contact the Project Team by:
- emailing [email protected], or
- calling (07) 5420 8953.