Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

About the new planning scheme project

Council is preparing a new planning scheme that will replace the current Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.

A new planning scheme will set the vision for the Sunshine Coast in 2046 and guide growth and development to help achieve that vision..

Refer to what is a planning scheme for more information, and how it may affect you.

We know that more people are choosing to move to the Sunshine Coast region. To grow sustainably, we need careful planning. We need to protect the places we love, preserve our natural environment, maintain the lifestyle we enjoy, provide diverse places to work and create great spaces for residents and visitors. We also need to recognise the diversity and uniqueness of our communities that make our region so special.

The new Sunshine Coast planning scheme project is a multi-year project, intended to be completed by 2025. There are many steps in preparing a new planning scheme as outlined in the Plan-making process page.

As an early step in the process, and prior to drafting the new planning scheme, council undertook preliminary consultation in 2022 on proposed planning directions for the Sunshine Coast region and local areas.

Read the Preliminary consultation - Summary and outcomes brochure for more information, or visit our Have your say website.

Feedback received during preliminary consultation has helped inform the drafting of the new planning scheme.

In December 2023, council submitted the draft new planning scheme to the State Government for the purpose of State Interest Review.

State Interest Review is a mandatory process council must follow when preparing a new planning scheme. Visit our Plan-making process page to find out more.

This is an exciting time for our region as we commence the next stage of planning for our future and updating our most significant land use planning document.

Register to receive project updates and be notified about the timing of future community engagement activities.

So council is preparing a new planning scheme…

What is a planning scheme?

What is a planning scheme?

The links below will help you to find out more.