Plan-making process
Learn about the steps in preparing a new planning scheme.
Plan making
There are many steps in preparing a new planning scheme.

* The plan making process is anticipated to take several years to complete (noting that the timing of certain steps in the process, such as state interest reviews are not within Council's control).
The process for preparing a new planning scheme is governed by the state Planning Act 2016 and associated Minister's guidelines and rules.
Completed and current steps
Step 1: Council decides to prepare a new planning scheme
Step 1: Council decides to prepare a new planning scheme
In 2020, a review of the current planning scheme was undertaken. On 28 January 2021, Council resolved to prepare a new planning scheme for the Sunshine Coast.
On 29 July 2021, Council lodged a notice with the State Government outlining Council’s proposal to make a planning scheme. On 25 August 2021, the State Government gave notice to Council detailing the provisions, process and communications strategy that apply to preparing the new planning scheme.
Step 2: Preliminary consultation
Step 2: Preliminary consultation
Council undertook preliminary consultation on proposed region-wide and local planning directions for the Sunshine Coast in 2022.
Read the Preliminary consultation - summary and outcomes brochure for more information, or visit our Have your say website.
The preliminary consultation was a valuable first step in creating a new planning scheme that reflects the community’s vision for our region.
Step 3: Preparation of proposed planning scheme
Step 3: Preparation of proposed planning scheme
Feedback received during preliminary consultation, together with other stakeholder engagement and the state, regional and local planning policy framework has helped inform the preparation of the proposed planning scheme. Refer to About the New Planning Scheme project for details.
Step 4: State Interest Review
Step 4: State Interest Review
State Interest Review is a mandatory step when preparing a new planning scheme. During this step, the Queensland Government reviews the proposed planning scheme to ensure their interests are appropriately reflected before it is released for formal public consultation.
In December 2023, Council submitted a proposed planning scheme to the State Government for a State Interest Review. The Queensland Government recently informed Council that the state interest review of the proposed planning scheme had been completed, subject to some conditions.
Next steps
Council will carefully review the state interest review conditions set out by the Queensland Government and their implications for the proposed planning scheme.
This process takes time to ensure that the conditions are thoroughly addressed, and the required changes are made to the proposed planning scheme. Once this is complete, Council will be implementing a robust public consultation program (Step 5), encouraging feedback from all parts of our community.
Preparations for the consultation program are underway. The program will be designed to ensure that there is ample time and information to get to know the details of the proposed planning scheme and make a submission.
More information
For more information about the New Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme project:
Sign up for project updates and be notified about the timing of future community engagement activities.
Contact the Project Team by:
- emailing [email protected], or
- calling (07) 5420 8953.