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Everyone living on the Sunshine Coast needs to understand how to:

Weather events have been recorded over the past 50 years by the Bureau of Meteorology. The site will give you a snapshot of the weather records and other pertinent information.

In 2018, council conducted a risk assessment, which identified 18 risks/hazards that may impact our region. We are currently undertaking a new assessment with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services. The highest risks are:


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    Flooding on the Sunshine Coast can occur any time of year but is most likely between October and May.

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    The coast’s bushfire season starts in the dry season at the beginning of August.

  • Storm over sea.

    Storms usually occur from November to March and east coast low pressure systems from January to June. Cyclones can occur from December to April.

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    Hazardous risks include spills of chemical or petrol from a tanker, or an oil spill from a ship offshore. A pandemic is a global disease outbreak which spreads rapidly.

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    Helpful information on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.