Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Stay informed

Find links to relevant websites for a wide range of weather warnings and information and get to know the standard emergency warning system.

Information is key to making the right decision in an emergency. In the event of power outages, make sure you can receive information and warnings. To do this you might need:

  • a battery-powered radio
  • spare batteries
  • a car-charger for your mobile phone.

Tune into the local ABC (radio 90.3 or 95.3 FM) or commercial radio and television stations. They provide regular:

  • warnings
  • updates
  • community safety announcements.

Weather related events (storms and cyclones) and flooding

The Bureau of Meteorology’s weather services provide a wide range of:

  • forecast
  • warning
  • weather observations and
  • information services.

Their services are specific for this region as well as Australia wide. It includes the flood warning network of rain and water level gauges. They provide real-time rainfall and water levels to forecast likely flooding conditions in our region.

These are for:


The Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFES) publishes bushfire warnings and fire bans.

To report a fire in any location call 000.

Visit the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services website for the latest news on fire incidents on the Sunshine Coast.

Road closures

Before you leave your house, check your route via council's list of road closures and road closure maps for the Sunshine Coast.

Standard emergency warning signal

The standard emergency warning signal (SEWS) is a wailing siren sound used throughout Australia. It is used for various emergency events of major significance, such as:

  • cyclones
  • flooding and
  • severe storms.

Listen to SEWS to familiarise yourself with the sound.

When you hear the signal on radio or television, pay careful attention to the message that follows and act immediately on the advice given.