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All funding program guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Community Grants Policy.

To receive information about upcoming grants and funding opportunities, and for details of our free Council Grant Writing Workshops or Webinars, sign up to our Grants and Funding eNews.

Many organisations offer grants including government departments, corporations, foundations and trusts. To access the free Sunshine Coast Funding Finder, check out our other funding opportunities page.


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    Find out about funding available for creative arts

  • group of people gathered around raised garden bed

    Project funding for not-for-profit community groups up to $15,000, and up to $30,000 for infrastructure projects.

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    Project funding for not-for-profit community groups up to $2000.

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    Funding to assist with an emergency, a significant impact caused by unforeseen circumstances.

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    Funding provided for not-for-profit community based organisations and private rural landholders under the environment levy.

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    Funding provided to not-for-profit community museums and heritage groups.

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    Funding to support residents performing, competing or presenting at national or international competitions, conferences or events.

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    This program allows funds to be allocated at the Councillor’s discretion to not-for-profit organisation for community purposes.

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    Operational funding for incorporated not-for-profit groups that provide key facilities or services to local communities.

  • 2 people walking along a tree lined dirt track

    Funding for community organisations who contribute to the development, maintenance, and activation of publicly accessible trails and associated nature based recreation infrastructure.