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The prescribed amount for Councillor Discretionary Funds for the 2024/25 financial year is $276,595, which equates to $25,145 for each Councillor. This amount has been budgeted for councillors to allocate for community purposes through the program.

Applications to the Councillor Discretionary Funding program are:

  • subject to available funding
  • submitted to the councillor/s for the area where the project will have the most benefit
  • submitted to the Mayor if the project has broader benefits across the Sunshine Coast

Information on eligibility, priorities and assessment criteria

What funding is available?

How to apply

What else to consider when applying for funding


For any queries please contact the Grants Team on (07) 5420 8616 or [email protected].

Office hours are 8.30 am - 4.30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Allocation Notices

Below are the Notices of Allocation for 2024/25

Below are the Notices of Allocation for 2023/24