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On this page, you'll find grant writing tips and project planning tools.

Always start by reading the guidelines relevant to the program you are applying to, to ensure you and your project are eligible.

Most of council's grant funding opportunities, with the exception of Individual Development Grants and the Regional Arts Development Fund, are for not-for-profit community organisations. You will also find information about auspicing on this page, which is when a legal not-for-profit entity sponsors an informal community group.

Tips and tricks to grant writing success

Here are some resources to assist you in writing a successful grant application:

Project and organisational planning tools

Planning documentation can help support your grant application because it provides detail and demonstrates capacity to deliver the project.

Where permanent works, that is building or construction, is proposed on Council owned or controlled land, an application for consent will be necessary. All proposals impacting on council land must be forwarded to council for consent prior to any work commencing. It is best to make an application for consent well before making a grant application.

Please fill in and forward the completed form with supporting documentation to [email protected]. For more information or queries please contact the Property Management Branch on (07) 5475 7300.

Help with your budget

Your grant application will include a project budget. Important considerations for your budget:

  1. Your budget must balance (total income must equal total expenditure)
  2. In-kind or volunteer contributions must be included in both income and expenditure
  3. Break down your costs as much as possible

Example budgets (Major Grants)

Example budgets (other)

Other considerations


Auspicing is required for applicants that do not have an official not-for-profit (NFP) status (i.e neither a legally constituted NFP entity nor registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC).  This means that a separate organisation (that is a legal entity with NFP status) takes responsibility for ensuring the funds are used as outlined in the grant allocation.  Only community groups can be auspiced. Individuals and businesses cannot be auspiced.

An auspicing organisation will provide:

  • the receipt, banking and administration of all moneys
  • project monitoring and completion
  • ensuring the applicant acquits the funding on time
  • sign off on the acquittal form.

An auspicing organisation may also provide the following support to the applicant:

  • provide insurance for the project
  • provide mentoring for the auspiced group.

An auspicing organisation may also charge a small fee for the above services.

It is the responsibility of the group being auspiced to ensure that a clear agreement is reached before applying for funding. An Agreement Form must be filled out and included with the application of any auspiced group.

Why should my organisation auspice/sponsor another group?

By auspicing, you may be helping out a new and developing local community group if they are doing a great project. It is a great way of ensuring that important projects get off the ground. It is also a great way for your group to build long term partnerships.

Should my informal group become incorporated?

This is a question many informal community groups ask themselves. For some group it is the next step in formalising their governance arrangements, but it's not the right move for every group. Justice Connect's not-for-profit law website offers some good resources on this topic.