Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Grant workshops

Council's grant information and application writing workshops are held throughout the region.

Join us for a FREE Grant Writing workshop and explore the following:

  • Information on council's Major and Minor Grants
  • The Grants Lifecycle
  • Planning and communicating your project or event
  • Supporting your project need and benefit with evidence
  • Identifying other sources of funding and preparing project budgets

The sessions have been designed to be as interactive as possible. There is opportunity to participate in activities and ask council's Grants Officers questions.

Workshops are in person and webinars will be hosted by Microsoft Teams.

Council offers these sessions twice a year, at the opening of each Major Grant round.

Subscribe to our Grants and Funding eNews to be notified of new rounds and future grant writing workshops.