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What is a Funding Agreement?

If your application for funding is successful you will be required to agree with conditions of funding set out in a Funding Agreement. Your organisation may also have additional specific funding conditions which will also be set out in the Funding Agreement.

When successful in being offered grant funding, your Funding Agreement will be loaded in your SmartyGrants account. You must fill in and submit this agreement before the grant can be paid.

Example Funding Agreement (PDF, 609KB)

How do I acknowledge council funding?

When you receive a council grant, you will be obliged to acknowledge this funding publicly. Please refer to the relevant Acknowledgement Guidelines.

Community Grants Acknowledgment Guidelines (PDF, 255KB)

RADF Acknowledgment Guidelines (PDF, 450KB)

CIIP Acknowledgement Guidelines

For RADF & CIIP funding, the Queensland Government acknowledgement guidelines are available from the Arts Queensland website.

How do we deliver the project?


If you are looking for tools to make planning and delivering community events easier, the Queensland Government has best practice guidelines for event delivery.


Collaborative projects are often the most successful projects. Check out the community groups directory to find project partners.


There are a number of organisations that offer or support volunteer roles.


The following resources support community organisation governance matters:


Sometimes things don't go to plan. If you require a project variation or an extension of your project dates, contact the Grants Team via email with the details of your issues and to seek advice.

What is an acquittal?

An acquittal is a report submitted by the successful applicant detailing project outcomes and how funds received from council were spent. This should align to their funding agreement. All grant funding must be acquitted and must be completed online.

Organisations cannot be considered for further council funding if previous grant acquittal conditions have not been met.

Instructions for completing online acquittals

  • Follow the link below to log into SmartyGrants.
  • Fill in the details under Login.
  • Please use the same email address and password you used in your application. If you do not know the email address, contact a Grants Officer. If you have forgotten your password click on “Forgotten your password” and follow the instructions.
  • After logging in, click on 'My Submissions' at the top right of the screen.
  • Click on your relevant acquittal form near the top of the screen. Note: If you are unable to find your acquittal form, please call the grants team on (07) 5420 8616 or email [email protected], quoting your application number.
  • Complete and submit your acquittal form.

Access your online acquittal form.