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Roads Hub is a free, accessible online visual mapping tool. It provides real-time information about current and scheduled works and closures across the Sunshine Coast road network.

Roads Hub features

  • Updates every 2 minutes, providing reliable, information about road works and road closures
  • Accessible on any digital device and all popular internet browsers – Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox
  • Mobile friendly – Apple, android
  • Provides real-time information about road works and road closures
  • User-friendly search function for roads, suburbs, dates, works type, works source and impact type
  • Search by address or suburb or search on an aerial map and zoom to the relevant section (map view or satellite view)
  • Easily recognisable icons to help identify sources of road works or road closures.

Why was Roads Hub developed?

Traffic movements are increasing across the Sunshine Coast road network. Drivers expect access to reliable transport information. Roads Hub provides high-quality transportation experiences by improving reliability and accessibility of information.

What does Roads Hub look like?

The public interface of Roads Hub looks very much like other mapping tools. It features search functionality by date, works type, source and impact. Roads Hub displays icons and information about:

  • road closures
  • crashes
  • hazards
  • flooding
  • road works
  • congestion
  • special events.

The icons are similar to icons used by other transport services to help you easily identify the source of the road works or road closure.

Where does the information come from?

Council staff, contractors and traffic management providers upload the data to Roads Hub using an application called Asignit. The uploaded data is displayed on the public interface maps viewed on Roads Hub. Traffic control companies that carry out work on behalf of council are required to use Asignit.

Why aren’t all road works displayed?

When using Roads Hub, you should be aware that road works coordinated by other utility and service providers (e.g. Unitywater, Energex), commercial developers and private, non-council contractors will not appear on Roads Hub. This is beyond council’s control.

How do I know the data is reliable?

When using Roads Hub, you must read and agree to the disclaimer and terms of use before accessing the site. Council makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of data provided on Roads Hub. We recognise that other sources of road information may present inaccurate or conflicting data.

Our staff will investigate all conflicting data reported to us and will correct as required. Inaccurate or conflicting data can be reported via [email protected] or contact council on (07) 5475 7272.

Download the Roads Hub fact sheet (PDF, 384KB).

  • Department of Transport and Main Roads Lookup.