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View Council's Road Safety Plan


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    Council controls more than 25,000 intersections. Traffic signals are used to improve pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety at significant intersections

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    Find all the information you need to know about the safe use of Electric Scooters or eScooters.

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    Find information about on-road bicycle symbols, cycling rules and tips for sharing roads and pathways.

  • On a residential street, a decorative light pole stands on the naturestrip in front of a house.

    If you're affected by light spill from streetlights, find out whether it qualifies for a glare shield.

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    Council is required to follow strict guidelines and protocols for assessing and changing speed limits on council-owned roads

  • As you come into Caloundra, there's a roundabout with gardens and a sign that welcomes you to Caloundra.

    Developing a calming plan involves community consultation, traffic data collection, selection of traffic calming structures and consideration of potential impacts.

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    Speed Awareness Monitoring (SAM) signs are relocatable electronic signs that display a speed related message to passing motorists.