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Road safety is all about making safer choices when you drive, ride, use a mobility scooter, catch public transport or walk.

Council provides travel behaviour change information on:

  • road safety
  • community transport services
  • sustainable transport.

Share the path

Council is committed to encouraging sustainable transport use, such as walking, cycling and scooting. We ask Coast locals and visitors to contribute to our community values of mutual respect, inclusivity and friendliness on all our shared pathways.

Our shared pathways are community spaces where pedestrians, bike and scooter riders and various users come together. Everyone wants to enjoy their time outside. The way you use our pathways is just as important as everyone else’s. Together we can embrace diversity and create a space where everyone can enjoy the pathway in their own unique way. A nice thought, that’s all it takes!

Keep left

Keep left

Stay on the left side of the pathway to allow smoother flow for all users. This simple practice helps minimise confusion and allows everyone to move comfortably without interruptions. It’s just like staying in the slow lane of a road, allowing others to pass easily if needed.

Give a bell

Give a bell

When approaching others, call out a greeting or give a friendly ring to alert them and pass safely. This not only prevents surprises but also keeps everyone safe. Remember to slow down and pass on the right.

Cruise to connect

Cruise to connect

When you slow down, you have time to enjoy a smile or a chat with others on the pathway. Keep in mind that e-scooter and other personal mobility device riders must obey the speed limit of 12km/h on shared pathways and be at least 16 years old to ride unsupervised by an adult.

Be mindful of obstacles

Be mindful of obstacles

Stay alert and adjust your speed or path accordingly. Whether it’s a wandering pet, a group of pedestrians or a parked bicycle, being aware that the unexpected might come up helps ensure safety for all on the pathway.

Paws and reflect

Paws and reflect

Most sections of our shared pathways are dog-friendly for our furry friends. Just remember all dogs must be kept on a short leash on your left when on pathways to avoid tangling up with others.

Safe driving for seniors

With good health and the right attitude to driving older motorists should be able to keep on-road mobility and independence.

In early 2020, RACQ delivered the Years Ahead Program for Seniors at Sunshine Coast Libraries. The program is available on the RACQ website. It can help you drive safer for longer by being aware of your own capabilities.

It includes:

  • road safety issues
  • changes to road rules
  • helpful driving tips
  • important issues such as fitness and medical requirements to drive
  • options available once retired from driving.

Funding from the Queensland Government's Community Road Safety Grants Scheme supported this initiative.



Other resources

Resources for Seniors

Other works in progress