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This video shows you how to review your permit details and manage inspections via the 'My Plumbing Permits' link available through the Sunshine Coast Council online plumbing inspections system.

From the MyCouncil dashboard page, click the 'My Plumbing Permits' link under the Plumbing Inspections tile.

From the Plumbing Inspections page, click on the 'Details/Bookings' button for the permit you wish to view more details.

The 'Permit Details' section shows you all recorded information relevant to the plumbing permit selected.

Scroll down to 'View responsible person details' attached to the permit.

The 'Completed' and 'Scheduled Inspections' section of the page lists all completed inspections along with results with options to change or cancel upcoming inspections.

You can review your list of inspections available and request a booking from the 'Booking Options' section of the screen.

If you find no inspection types available, there may not be an inspection assigned to the permit or there may be an un-rectified defect on one or more inspections. To find out more, contact council.

To continue with booking an inspection, select an inspection type or combination of inspections from the list provided.

Some inspection types can be selected in the same booking.

Once an inspection type has been selected, all inspections that cannot be carried out at the same time are made unavailable and cannot be selected.

One you have made a selection, click on 'Request Booking'.

The 'Booking Inspection Availability' page shows you all available booking dates and times.

To view details on available times, click on the down arrow against your preferred date and select from the expanded list of options.

You can also scroll down and click on the down arrows to view more options.

If you cannot find a suitable time or would like to book further in advance, please contact council.

Some inspection types such as 'Rough in' and 'Stack' have booking times available in morning and afternoon slots.

The 'Booking Inspection' pop up window and click on 'Submit'.

Click on 'request to confirm booking'.

A booking request is sent to the council for review and an email will be sent upon confirmation.

Click on 'Finish' to exit booking inspection or 'Book another for this permit' button to continue booking.

If you wish to cancel your selection at any time, you may click on the 'Cancel' button where available.

Inspections for the following day must be booked before 3.30pm in order for them to be confirmed.

Cancellations cannot be made within an hour of a booking and a cancellation fee may apply.

The 'My Scheduled Inspections' quick link allows you to make changes to any of your pending inspections.

View your list of scheduled inspections ordered by date.

Scroll down to the one you wish to make changes to and click on the 'Change' button.

The 'Booking Inspection Availability' page shows you all available booking dates and times.

To view details on available times, click on the down arrow against your preferred date and select from the expanded list of options.

You can also scroll down and click on the down arrows to view more options.

You will notice that your current selection is greyed out.

To continue with making changes to the booking, select a preferred time and date.

Fill in the required details in the 'Book Inspection' pop up window and click on submit.

Click on 'request' to confirm booking. A booking request is sent to the council for review and an email will be sent upon confirmation.

Click on 'Finish' to exit booking inspection or 'Book another for this permit' button to continue booking.

Cancellations to scheduled inspections can be made from the 'My Scheduled Inspections' screen as well.

Click on the 'My Scheduled Inspections' quick link to view your list of scheduled inspections, ordered by date.

Scroll down to the one you wish to cancel and click on the 'Cancel' button.

In the pop up dialog box that opens, click on 'YES' to proceed with the cancellation or 'No' to exist the screen.

You can also access a list of your scheduled inspections and make changes to it anytime by clicking on 'My Scheduled Inspections' link under the Plumbing Inspections tile from the MyCouncil dashboard page.

This video has provided you with an overview of how to review your permit details and book, change and cancel inspections via the 'My Plumbing Permits' and 'My Scheduled Inspections' link available through the online plumbing inspections system.

Further 'how to' videos and additional supporting material is available on the plumbing online web page on the council's website https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/plumbingonline.