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Proud Gubbi/Gubbi, Wiradjuri man

Community Engagement and Social Emotional Wellbeing Officer, North Coast Indigenous Health.

As a proud Indigenous man and someone who has a long history in sport on the Sunshine Coast. I understand first-hand the power of sport in battling racism in today’s society. Rugby league in particular has played a major part in closing the gap in many facets of society today. Indigenous peoples love of rugby league is evident with the Indigenous population being 3% of  Australians but makes up over 20% of all rugby league players. It is a game we have excelled at with our natural athletic abilities helping us rise to the highest echelons of the game. As Australians we love sport in general and I feel our abilities and the Indigenous role models the game has created has helped us as a people integrate into everyday society.

Why did you become a patron for this campaign?

Though in my role in community engagement and welfare, I continually come across young and old Indigenous Australians that are still targeted by the stigma of racism.

I am passionate about truth telling to all Australians about the true historic journey of Indigenous Australians and the pain we carry as a people that has been dispersed through the country and through the stolen generation. I think education through  schools with  not only of truth telling of Indigenous peoples journey, but also sharing our beautiful culture with all Australia will help bring us closer together as a nation.

Racism is a learnt behaviour, and as an Indigenous man I am very proud to be asked to help stand up against this ugly part of our society and shine a light, hopefully leading us out of the dark to a world where racism is no longer part of our society on the Sunshine Coast.

Current memberships

  • Maroochydore Justice Group Elder
  • Indigenous Advisory Committee Queensland Rugby League 
  • Founding member Arthur Beetson Foundation
  • Queensland Murri Carnival Director  
  • President Sunshine Coast Bunyas Rugby League Club
  • Board member Nambour Crushers