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Council delivers training programs, industry news, resources and networking events with experts for businesses wanting to export both domestically and internationally.

Sunshine Coast export network

Connect with export-oriented businesses and consultants on council’s Export LinkedIn Network. Share tips, contacts, resources, experiences and post your questions to the group.

Generating export-ready businesses and market responsive industries will continue to better enable our businesses to respond successfully to domestic and global demand.

The Sunshine Coast regional economic development strategy is well on its way to achieving four clear goals:

  • A$33 billion economy
  • 100,000 new jobs in high value industries
  • 20% of goods and services produced for export
  • household incomes that exceed the Queensland average.

Upcoming events

Council continues to provide programs to help local businesses grow and expand in the global market. The process is often complex and requires substantial resources, the right knowledge and skill, and networks to succeed. Stay tuned for more programs in the coming months.


Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ)

Trade and Investment Queensland is the Queensland Government’s dedicated global business agency for international investment and trade:


Exporting is an exciting, dynamic activity that can open significant opportunities for Sunshine Coast businesses to grow and profit.

The Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Strategy 2013-2033 identified local to global connections as a critical pathway to position the region in key national and global markets as a competitive source of high-demand goods and services.

Engaging with these markets has the potential to strengthen business resilience, generate wealth and lead to new employment opportunities for our local community.

For more information about exporting, please call 0439 786 824 or email: [email protected].