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View current council tender opportunities on VendorPanel.

Note: From 21 September 2024 Council will release its public tenders via VendorPanel and no longer through the Queensland Government QTenders website.


You will need to be registered with VendorPanel to access and submit a tender offer. It is also encouraged that you register to Council’s tender alert service to be advised of publicly advertised tenders.

For more information on how to register on VendorPanel please visit www.supply.qld.gov.au or watch the instructional video.

Important note for Contractors – Amendment to Ombudsman Act 2001

Council wishes to make contractors aware of an amendment to the Ombudsman Act 2001 (Act). It came into effect 15 September 2024.

The amendment is to section 12A of the Act which now allows for the Ombudsman to directly investigate non-government entities performing public functions for and/or on behalf of Council (e.g. contractors). More information on the change can be found on the Queensland Ombudsman website, Quick guide – A change to our framework, and what it means for you

While Council’s current terms and conditions already require contractors to comply with all relevant legal requirements (legislation, law etc), we wish to bring this change to the attention of our contractors to ensure their awareness. Please note that this is for information only and you are not required to make any changes to any current contractual arrangements.  

For clarity, the Ombudsman will still initially contact Council should a complaint arise, which will be managed through Council’s Administrative Action Complaints Management Process (AACMP) however, if necessary, the Ombudsman may now also request information directly from the non-government entity (e.g. contractors).  

If you have any questions in relation to this amendment to the Act, please contact Council’s Ethical Standards Branch via email to [email protected]

Tenders with community engagement

Some projects include a community engagement component. If this is the case, you must provide a complete community engagement plan with your tender.

More information is available at Our Approach to Engagement.

You should refer to and align with the following council documents:-

More information

Council reserves the right to invite tenderers to change their tenders. This is allowed for under Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.

You can email [email protected] for more information.