Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Bottler of a bin!


Whether you’re at home or out and about, recycling is a cinch on the Sunshine Coast.

Twenty three new public place recycling bins specifically for plastic, aluminium, paper, cardboard and glass were recently installed around the region, raising the total number to 148.

Environment Portfolio Councillor Jenny McKay said the new bins were enabling a major reduction in waste being sent to landfill.

“Having 148 of these public recycling bins around the Sunshine Coast enables around 190 tonnes of recyclable materials to be collected and re-used rather than sent to landfills,” she said.

“This complements council’s existing domestic and commercial recycling collections that divert around 34,000 tonnes of recyclables each year.

“A big thankyou goes to project partners the Packaging Stewardship Forum for their funding contribution towards this latest batch of bins.”

Public place recycle bins have been installed at high use areas including popular beaches and parks.