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This service is suitable for customers who are seeking assessment of specialist technical reports prior to lodgement of a development application.

Advice provided by Council will determine if the information contained in the specialist technical report is sufficient for a detailed assessment. We will advise if we need further information before you lodge your development application.

Council will provide general comments of whether the report addresses the relevant code provisions in the planning scheme. Note: any advice does not constitute an approval of the development proposal. Other assessment factors may influence the overall development outcome.

This service does not include meeting with Council officers.

How to book

You can request pre-assessment of technical reports online through MyCouncil (you will need to register to use this service). You will need to complete details and pay any applicable fee online.

You can also request pre-assessment of technical reports by emailing us the request form. Email to: [email protected]

Pre-assessment of technical reports form

Select from three options

Minor technical report

Minor technical report

Pre-assessment of a minor technical report (e.g., simple bushfire, engineering, heritage reports for smaller proposals)

Detailed assessment of a minor technical report provided within ten business days of lodgement.

Standard technical report

Standard technical report

Pre-assessment of a Standard technical report (e.g., reports for more complex proposals).

Detailed assessment of a standard technical report provided within fifteen business days of lodgement.

Major technical report

Major technical report

Pre-assessment of a major technical report (e.g., reports that are highly complex, major development proposals including flooding assessment, ecological assessment, infrastructure reports.)

Detailed assessment of a major technical report provided within 30 business days of lodgement.