Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Governance framework

The governance framework is a set of systems to help council meet its goal of great governance.

The Sunshine Coast Council Governance Framework is a set of systems. Each system helps council meet its goal of great governance and includes:

  • high performing staff
  • high standards of policies, practices and procedures
  • risk management
  • responsible use of resources
  • being trustworthy, reliable and dependable

These systems working together allow for council's vision and objectives to be achieved. This can occur even among competing and changing social, economic and environmental issues.

Corporate objectives

  • Corporate Plan
  • Annual Operational Plan
  • Annual Budget
  • Adopted Strategies

Corporate Governance directs and controls local government and allows for better decision making. Below is an overview of the Corporate Governance framework process and practice systems.

Organisational framework

These structural elements are set in place by legislation, the council, and the CEO. They provide leadership and direction for councillors, management and employees.

Management structure

  • Council meetings (and committees)
  • Audit Committee
  • Organisational structure (including Board of Management)

Management standards

  • Organisational values
  • Legislation
  • Council policies (including codes of conduct)
  • Delegations
  • Management directives
  • Communication of standards
  • Risk management

Accountability framework

These structural elements provide assurance that the local government achieves its goals.

Control monitoring and review

  • Manage, monitor and review risks
  • Internal reporting
  • Monitoring and review
    • Internal audit
    • Council (and committees)
    • Audit committee
    • Board of Management
    • Extended Management Team

External reporting

  • External audit
  • Financial stewardship
  • Performance reporting
  • Corporate governance disclosure