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Sunshine Coast Council generates, receives and holds a large amount of information relating to how it goes about its day-to-day functions, how it communicates with customers and the community, as well as about the delivery of projects, activities and resources.  This information is critical to maintaining compliance with legislation and recordkeeping standards. 

Council must also balance its responsibility to meet its statutory and legal obligations, while making available to the community as much information as possible. 

Council, via this project, aims to improve the availability of the information it holds to give the community confidence that the information is appropriately managed both securely and transparently, as far as permitted by law.

To meet this aim, Council unanimously adopted the recommendations of an independent, external review into the classification and management of the information held and generated by Council at the 27 July 2023 Ordinary Meeting. 

To enact the adopted recommendations, Council also endorsed the development of a detailed implementation plan.

The Implementation Plan is the roadmap to how Council can, and is, improving community accessibility to the information it holds. It also demonstrates how Council is progressing against each recommendation.

The key recommendations from the external review are:

Work is continuing to fully implement the recommendations and ensure that the updated way of working continues into the future. 

View the full GWI Future State report arising from the external review.  

Right to information and accessing documents

Council decision making processes

Council Meetings 

Open data