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A Community Monitoring Program was undertaken to provide feedback to the community, the stormwater industry and council on the function and performance of vegetated infiltration basins in a dunal environment.

The monitoring program for the Golden Beach Vegetated Infiltration Basin was designed to collect and assess data for a range of parameters using appropriate sampling techniques.

The following information was collected:

  • groundwater monitoring
  • routine maintenance details
  • sediment samples
  • stormwater inflows

This program has now concluded, and the University of the Sunshine Coast has released their final report (PDF, 1594KB) on the performance of the vegetated infiltration basin.

Groundwater monitoring results

Groundwater monitoring results

Groundwater well installation report (PDF, 926KB)

Monthly reports

April 2018 (PDF, 3651KB)

March 2018 (PDF, 3467KB)

February 2018 (PDF, 1937KB)

January 2018 (PDF, 1699KB)

December 2017 (PDF, 1039KB) 

November 2017 (PDF, 507KB)

October 2017 (PDF, 574KB)

September 2017 (PDF, 1769KB)

August 2017 (PDF, 547KB)

July 2017 (PDF, 1492KB)

June 2017 (PDF, 842KB)

May 2017 (PDF, 831KB)

April 2017 (PDF, 484KB)

March 2017 (PDF, 471KB)

February 2017 (PDF, 1254KB)

January 2017 (PDF, 482KB)

December 2016 (PDF, 433KB)

November 2016 (PDF, 396KB)

October 2016 (PDF, 550KB)

September 2016 (PDF, 350KB)

August 2016 (PDF, 338KB)

July 2016 (PDF, 315KB)

June 2016 (PDF, 296KB)

May 2016 (PDF, 484KB)

April 2016 (PDF, 464KB)

Raw data

April 2018 (CSV, 3810KB)

April 2017 (CSV, 2072KB)

March 2017 (CSV, 1892KB)

February 2017 (CSV, 1716KB)

January 2017 (PDF, 83KB)

December 2016 (CSV, 1385KB)

October 2016 (CSV, 1186KB)

July 2016 (CSV, 673KB)

April 2016 (XLSX, 128KB)

Routine maintenance details

Routine maintenance details

Maintenance of the basin is undertaken on a monthly basis. During maintenance litter, weeds and leaves are removed and over grown plants are pruned.

Routine maintenance report (PDF, 187KB)

Sediment samples

Sediment samples

It should be noted that sewage spilled into the basin in November 2015. Sediment samples were taken from the basin floor in March 2016 and again in June 2017.

Stormwater inflows

Stormwater inflows

This information is being collected in conjunction with the University of the Sunshine Coast.