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The stormwater management strategy (the strategy) outlines the future direction of stormwater management in the region. With the support of council and the wider community, the successful implementation of the strategy can address existing issues and help prepare the region for future challenges relating to stormwater management.


With a changing climate and a growing community, effective stormwater management is critical to ensuring that Sunshine Coast Council can achieve its vision 'Australia's most sustainable region - Healthy. Smart. Creative.'

The strategy identifies the key issues for council relating to stormwater management and establishes a series of objectives, strategic directions, policy positions and actions to address these issues.

The strategy builds upon the work done in the environment and liveability strategy (ELS) and other council documents to provide a consistent, strategic direction for stormwater management on the Sunshine Coast. The development of the new Sunshine Coast planning scheme will be informed by the strategy.

The strategy also aims to raise awareness of the importance of effective stormwater management, so that the community, the development industry and other levels of government can play their part in delivering a healthy, resilient and liveable region.

The vision and key objectives of the stormwater management strategy are shown below.

The strategy consists of 3 parts:

  1. Summary
  2. Part A
  3. Part B.

Community engagement

Community consultation was undertaken over a five week period from April to May 2021. The feedback was supportive of the strategy and the need for such a document on the Sunshine Coast.

The top priority for stormwater management was identified as being healthy waterways. This reflects the high value that the Sunshine Coast community places on the environment.

Where to from here

Implementation of this strategy seeks to provide the Sunshine Coast community with:

  • healthy waterways and beaches
  • a more liveable, safe and green urban environment
  • an increased understanding of stormwater flood risk
  • prioritised, strategic and targeted investment that will maximise community benefit
  • optimised and coordinated infrastructure and service delivery
  • reduced reliance on potable water
  • increased resilience to the effects of climate change
  • the ability to accommodate increased growth in the region.

More information

If you would like more information, please contact council.