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Nambour administration buildings repurposing

Find out what new community services are proposed for the council administration building and library.

Nambour administration buildings repurposing

Nambour is a naturally beautiful, creative, culturally active and sustainable place to live, work, play and visit.

The Nambour administration building and library, on the corner of Currie and Bury streets, are proposed to undergo a repurposing upgrade to provide a range of community services for the growing Nambour centre.

Project scope

The upgrade and refurbishment of the council buildings is an important part of the overall Nambour Centre Activation Project , which aims to revitalise the Nambour centre area as a community and cultural hub.

The repurposing of the Nambour administration buildings is expected to provide for the following range of uses:

  • new major district library – approximately 3000m² (GFA)
  • heritage library
  • district community venue
  • district cultural hub
  • customer contact centre
  • council operational staff and councillors (divisions 5 and 10).

While the proposed refurbishment will be part of a broader initiative to revitalise the Nambour centre area, the primary focus of the project is the significant investment planned for the three administration buildings, and how the repurposing of these assets can contribute to the revitalisation and activation of the Nambour centre area.

This project will serve as a further catalyst to attract private sector interest in the Nambour centre area.

Private sector commitment to investment in Nambour, to drive activation and revitalisation, will be more likely when there is certainty around the scope, timing, and funding of key civic infrastructure projects to be delivered by council.

Project update

Wilson Architects have recently been appointed as the principal consultant to lead preliminary design and feasibility for the repurposing of the Nambour administration buildings.

The preliminary design, when endorsed by council, will form the basis for detailed design and construction of the project.

Where to from here

Steps in progress

Preliminary design and feasibility work of Nambour administration precinct to start late 2023, with detailed design following.

Contact the project team

If you would like more information in relation to the project or to receive project updates, please register your contact details (name, address, email address and phone number if applicable) to [email protected] or contact council.